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Reviewers on this site are issued login credentials when they are created as reviewers on this site by the office staff.

The email you received notifying you of this contains the instructions for you to use to login and access your assigned applications.

If this email instructed you to use your UMD Directory ID and password, please use yours to access the site.

If the welcome email contained a username and password, use those login credentials on the login form. The temporary password in the email is valid for 24 hours.  If your temporary password has expired you can reset it by clicking on the 'Forgot your password?' link.

Click back to return to the login page.

If you continue to have trouble logging in, first try to clear the cookies for your browser, close and re-open your browser, then try again.  If that doesn't work, try a different browser.  As a last resort, please contact Education Abroad at 301-314-7746 or